The Fall Guy
The Fall Guy
United States of America, 2024, 126 min
Filme / Action / Comedy / Kinofilme
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Director:David Leitch
Stars:Ryan Gosling, Emily Blunt, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Hannah Waddingham, Winston Duke, Stephanie Hsu, Teresa Palmer, David Collins, Zara Michales, Daniel Nelson, Matuse Paz, Charlotte Wood, Adam Dunn, Madeleine Jones, Beth Champion, Tim Franklin, Theodore Avery, Nova Onas, Ben Knight, Nathan Bates, Jack Doherty, Shakriya Tarinyawat, Luisa Mariano, Tahlia Crinis, Martin Cohen, Georgia Willett, Robert McFarlane, Yoji Tatsuta, Madeleine Wilson, Jason Momoa, Lee Majors, Heather Thomas
Production:87North Productions, Entertainment 360, Universal Pictures
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